File of resesarch reports on modelling of harmful discharges and HARP system documentation
Development continues in Institute of Information Theory and Automation within grant project GAČR 102/07/1596
Cooperation with ENERGOPROJECT Prague on discharges modeling Varna, Bulgaria,2000
Preparation of the RODOS system for acreditation in CZech Rep. RODOS report WG1-TN(98)-29, 2000
Customization of food chain model of the RODOS system for Czech Rep. RODOS report WG3-TN(98)-14, 2000
European cooperation in FCM customization RODOS report WG3-TN(99)-40, final, 2000
EIA-Dynamic food chain model for Czech Rep. Int. conf. CTU, (Prague 2000) , EIA /4./, 2000
Development of tool for EIA assessment ECORAD 2001, Aix-en Provence, France, 2001
Comparative benchmark HARP x COSYMA x RODOS 4th Int. MACCS UG Meeting,Principality of Monaco, 2002
Model predictions of radioactivity propagation Int. conf. HARMO6,Rouen, France, Oct. 1999
Senzitivity studies of removal processes Int. conf. HARMO7,Belgirate, Italy, May 2001???
Discharges during normal operation Int. conf. HARMO8,Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 2002
Decision support tool development Int. Conf. CMP'04: Multiple Participant Decision Making. Prague, 2004.
Risk assessment of radionuclide releases during extreme low-wind atmospheric conditions - extended abstract (Int. Conf. HARMO9, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, June 2004)
Risk assessment of radionuclide releases during extreme low-wind atmospheric conditions - poster (Int. Conf. HARMO9, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, June 2004)
Random activity concentration fields Int. conf. HARMO10,CRETE, Greece, Oct. 2005
Integration of assimilation subsystem into the HARP system Int. conf. HARMO11,Cambridge, UK, July 2007
Integration of assimilation subsystem into the HARP system Int. conf. HARMO11,Cambridge, UK, July 2007
HARP as training tool during nuclear emergency Int. conf. EUROSIM,Ljubljana, SLO, Sept. 2007
Poster: HARP as training tool during nuclear emergency Int. conf. EUROSIM,Ljubljana, SLO, Sept. 2007
Predictive monitoring of radiation situation - research report UTIA 2196, 2007
Doughter products in release Int. conf DRO-07,Report, 2007
Data assimilation - evolution of Cs137 on terrain - Application of marginalized particle filter, Int. conf. IGARSS08, Boston, 2008
Assimilation of model predictions with measured data Report on PhD workshop, Hungaria, 2007
Fitting of segmented-Gaussian plume model predictions on measured data 22th Conf. ESM'2008, LeHavre, Fr, Oct. 2008
Assimilation in late stage of accident Paper, IGARSS08, Boston, July 6 - 11, 2008
Czech Early Warning System and data assimilation Report, ECORAD'08, Bergen, 2008
Poster: Czech Early Warning System and data assimilation Poster, ECORAD'08, Bergen, 2008
Exploitation of particle filter for forecast error covariance structure estimation 9-th Int. PhD Workshop,Young Gener. Viewpoint, Izola, SI, Oct. 2008
A simplified approach for solution of time update problem during toxic waste spreading in the atmosphere Int. conf. HARMO12,Cavtat, HR, Oct. 2008
A simplified approach for solution of time update problem during toxic waste spreading in the atmosphere Int. conf. HARMO12,Cavtat, HR, Oct. 2008
Advanced assimilation techniques in late stage of accident Int. conf. XXX. DRO, SK, Nov. 2008
Illustration of probabilistic approach in consequence assessment Int. conf. XXX. DRO, SK, Nov. 2008